Saturday, July 17, 2004

Untitled Project #1

Earleir today, as my brother Nathan was getting ready to head home
after visiting for my birthday, we got talking about network television
and how the networks have cancelled some of the shows that we found to
be most promising. This conversation was inspired by my purchase
boxed sets, and how we felt that the creators of these shows had
learned and not learned the lesson of working in TV,
respectively. Sort of like Chris Carter with MILLENNIUM and HARSH REALM.

But what has all of this got to do with Billy Zane?

Well, Nathan said, "I liked that show. [HARSH REALM] had that guy from THE CUTTING EDGE - I like him."

"D.B. Sweeney," I said, "I'd like to see him in a show with Billy Zane."

And thus the concept was born.

Billy and D.B. would play an ODD COUPLE-ish
pair of detectives. Billy would be the "by the book" immacualtely
clean one, and D.B. would be the rough around the edges, "whatever it
takes" one with lackluster hygeine. Together, they solve crimes -
let's say they are a private investigation firm that specializes in
finding kidnap victims and missing persons. Billy's character was
a cop, but disgusted and frustrated by what he views a corrupt and
ineffective police force, he leaves and goes into business on his
own. D.B.'s character is a slightly reformed criminal - a bookie,
who, after having to chase down one too many late payments, had decided
that his connections could be put to a more profitable and less
annoying enterprise. When we meet them, they've been working
together for some time already, so the rhythm of their relationship is
already established - that way we get to allude previous unseen
adventures and characters that are already established in this universe.

Is it trite? Is it a cliche'? Yes and yes. But the
casting of Billy Zane is what lifts it up beyond the mundane.
Billy and D.B. , we think, would have the chemistry to pull it off and
make it fresh and fun.

Have at it, Billy. Have at it.


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